Votación para la elección del logo de Erasmus +

https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=ms.c.eJw1ysENwEAIA8GOogNibPpvLMohP0e7BCRMvB0D4OG1yEFq0sbtHXZvL7u229Tf5~%3BhnrmkjUp0le7afD2ViHco~-.bps.a.753378884870258.1073741828.753314844876662&type=1Contest lasts from 4.12 to 18.12.2017
The contest has started! LIKE the logos you like the most :) Encourage your friends, parents, siblings to push the LIKE button too ;)
The logo with the highest number of likes will be announced the logo of the project!
